Happier Valley Comedy

Happier Valley Comedy, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that brings laughter, joy, and ease to Western Massachusetts (and the world) through the principles of improvisation. We serve up the happy through our training center, shows, and professional/personal development programs. Happier Valley Comedy is committed to using the tenets of improvisation as a tool to amplify each person’s authentic voice and creativity in an inclusive, welcoming community inspired and empowered by the diversity of all members.

Happier Valley will be performing their show “The Understudies - An Improvised Musical” at Showcase South Hadley at 5:00 PM October 7 in Center Church.

It's the opening night of a brand new musical. Unfortunately, the show was never written or rehearsed. Be part of the fun as The Understudies improvise a musical from scratch, with a little help from you! The Understudies are Scott Braidman, Kelsey Flynn, Paul McNeil, Mosie Senn-McNally, and Maile Shoul, with music by the amazing Jeff Kimball! You can see them performing regularly at Happier Valley Comedy in Hadley.

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